Find your
Live your Truth
We can spend an entire lifetime in high-perfomance survival mode, reacting to our triggers and building our boundaries higher.
Or we can choose to truly meet ourselves, and set ourselves free.
You're invited to take a journey with me.
A journey to reconnecting with the truth of who you are.
To a place where all of you is welcome, exactly as you are.
To build safety and self-trust, to heal and to grow,
so you can fall in love with who you truly are.
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"Trying to fix yourself is self-bullying, it’s a trauma response. It comes from the belief that you are somehow broken."
- Josh V Roberts
Permission Sets You Free
And because the world is so full of judgement, fear and competition, we need a safe space to discover, express and fall in love withourselves.
This is a place for Permission.
Choice Reveals Your Truth
Because so many of our choices and preferences are driven by our unconscious fears and compulsions, until we truly meet ourselves and discover who we are underneath it all.
This is finding our most true Choice.
Resonance Brings You To Life
Because when you know who you truly are, you want to design your life to support you in expressing and experiencing that in every moment.
This is intentionally creating Resonance.
Core Values of the Integral Freedom Method..
Every human being is exactly perfect. We’ve just forgotten this, been swept up in the illusion that we’re somehow flawed.
The true nature of humanity is actually kindness, compassion and support. We’re all in this together as collaborators.
There’s nothing we need to fix or let go of. And our only work is to welcome all the parts of us back home.
We all need each other, for healing, for reflection, for co-creation. You can only go so far alone, but there's no limit to what we can do in connection.
When we give ourselves full permission, to feel, to be seen, to be heard, to express the deepest truth in our hearts, we set ourselves free.
And through our own freedom, we can give other people permission to find their freedom too.
What is Integral Freedom?
Integral Freedom is an approach to healing & growth that empowers you to discover and embody who you really are.
This method combines simple yet powerful tools that cultivate self-awareness and self-compassion, helping us transmute what may weigh us down or hold us back.
Integral Freedom isn’t about letting go or “fixing” anything; it’s about understanding our relationship with life’s challenges—exploring where we’re caught in resistance or attachment—and inviting our True Self to guide us forward.
Rooted in diverse disciplines, including Spiral Dynamics, Integral Theory, Jungian Psychology, Hermetic Philosophy, Parts Work & Internal Family Systems, Somatic Therapy & Breathwork, and Compassionate Inquiry, the Integral Freedom Method is a dynamic, holistic approach.
Through mindful breathing, guided meditations, somatic practices, and reflective journaling, it supports deep personal growth during and between sessions.
The Integral Freedom Method flows through three powerful, interconnected phases:
1. Permission Work – Meeting ourselves with genuine curiosity and compassion, we embrace all aspects of our inner landscape, opening up space for self-discovery.
2. Choice Work – Exploring the choices that resonate with our true self, we align with what actually supports our growth and authentic expression.
3. Resonance Work – Establishing harmony within and around us, we integrate these new choices into our life, creating an aligned and sustainable way of being.
Through these phases, Integral Freedom goes beyond just healing, it provides the tools to empower your journey toward a balanced, joyful, and purpose-driven life.
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Who Is Integral Freedom For?
This work is for all humans on the path of growth, those who know that they thrive with compassionate support, community and mentorship.
Getting specific, if you relate to any of these, this is for you:
Done 'The Work' - You’ve done a ton of “work” on yourself, read the books, done the retreats and workshops, studied the courses, but still don’t feel like you’re “there” yet.
You’re highly functional (or sometimes just functional), but still struggling with chronic physical or mental/emotional challenges that just won’t go away.
Not 'Yourself' - You don’t feel like you can truly be yourself ALL the time, because it might create conflict, it might not be received well, or you might be ridiculed, judged or rejected.
You feel pressure to show up and be the best version of yourself all the time, and you find yourself sacrificing things you want in the process.
Inconsistent Results - Sometimes you work really hard to improve, but it never seems to be enough, and you slip into periods of procrastination.
You often have to “put on” a happy face, and it feels like youhave to push things down or put your own feelings to the side, so that you don’t bring other people down.
Judgemental - You get caught up in internal conflict, judging yourself for not thinking, feeling or doing the things you think you should be thinking, feeling and doing.
You can also judge other people harshly, even just in your own head, and it leaves you feeling angry or separated, struggling with a sense of injustice or unfairness.
As challenging as this all can be...
All of these (and more) are actually symptoms.
Not problems that need to be fixed!
In short, if you feel stuck, anxious, afraid or caught up in a negative loop of any kind..
(Even if it's just a little bit!)
You are experiencing self-betrayal.
One of the biggest factors of chronic physical and mental/emotional health disorders, and most of life’s suffering, is self-betrayal. And it is a full blown epidemic.
But what is self-betrayal?
In the simplest terms, it is any thought, word or action that goes against yourself.
We've been doing it for our entire lives. Usually stemming from childhood trauma (not just Major Trauma, but also all the micro traumas too), and reinforced over and over again throughout lives.
The end result?
We hide.
In 3 simple steps.
We accept the labels
We put on the masks we’re given, we mold ourselves to fit the labels handed to us by the people we trust the most.
Sometimes we wear these masks for so long that we forget we’re wearing them. We mistakenly believe it’s just the way we are.
That we’re shy, nervous, lazy, angry, goofy, timid, stupid, quiet, annoying.. And on and on the list goes.
We look for new labels
Then we look out into the world and see other people who seem to be thriving, and we want to be more like them.
So we put on the masks that we see everyone else wearing, because ultimately we just want to feel like we belong.
We try hard to be what we think is expected of us. More confident, successful, strong, outgoing, intelligent, mature, spiritual, entrepreneurial, fun.
We suppress our true selves.
Because it’s hard. And we can’t seem to get rid of the anxiety or the stress, the fear or the loneliness, the anger or the unworthiness.
It just lingers there in the background, like a stain that won’t wash out. So we hide it even deeper, hoping that no one will see it.
Sometimes we hide it so deep that we forget it’s even there. And it comes out as judgements, triggers, abuse and violence; towards ourselves and the ones we love the most.
This hiding is a form of self-betrayal.
It’s telling ourselves that we aren’t good enough as we truly are. That we have to be more, do more, have more, in order to be worthy.
We hold ourselves to impossibly high standards, isolating ourselves from anyone who doesn’t measure up.
Or we let ourselves go completely, overindulging in various addictions to numb the feeling of separation.
But most often, we swing between both.
Enter Healing
& Personal Development,
Our Salvation?
Then, we reach a point when we decide we want more from life. We want to overcome this feeling of self-doubt, self-judgement, self-abuse. So we commit to “doing the work”.
We buy the books, join the coaching programs, watch the webinars, attend the events. We put the effort in to change ourselves, to upgrade our mindset, to overcome our limiting beliefs, to heal our traumas.
And it makes a difference..
Sometimes even a profound difference!
But we never really feel 'healed'..
Not completely.
And there’s two reasons for this:
The personal development industry is still governed by the principles of marketing, meaning that they need us (their customers) to believe there is something wrong with us, in order to sell us the solution, or the 'cure'.
So the very basic foundation of most coaching, self-development, and even traditional therapy is that there is something wrong with you!
Most of the models and frameworks and collections of tools for personal development are simply highly advanced compensation strategies.
They don’t actually help you to get in touch with your authentic self. Instead they give you better, more sophisticated masks to wear, so you can be more of what you think you should be.
Which is just compensating for the deep feeling of needing to 'fix' ourselves.
Compensating for the fact that we live our lives in a world that still largely believes some very unhelpful things about reality.
Permission Work Can
Set You Free
Free from the seemingly endless cylce of healing and self-improvement.
By working to create harmony through the body, to find your inner safety, and accept all of who you are. So you can naturally become all of who you came here to be.
“If you keep hiding your true self, your life becomes like slow death.
once you become free from the lies and the hiding of yourself, then life becomes vibrant again.”
- Ziggy Marley
It's time to set yourself free
Let go of the idealised version of who you think you should be, so you can discover (and fall in love with) who you REALLY are. And there's no better way to do it than together.
Because we all deserve to feel welcomed as who we are, to share ourselves with others and be celebrated, supported, called forward and acknowledged.
We all need each other. And it's time to stop letting things get in the way of connecting deeply and authentically with each other.
Because you truly are perfect, and the sooner you allow this truth to sink all the way in, the sooner you'll be living the life you were born to live.
About Josh V Roberts
I was born in Australia and grew up in a small town called Byron Bay. Raised with my mother for the first 9 years of my life, I experienced a simple childhood, full of love. At 9 I moved to live with my multi-millionaire father, where I experienced the high-flying, 'glitter cannon parade' side of life.
As a highly intuitive, deep thinking and sensitive being, I felt challenged by the world from my early years. In my late teens, I began to struggle with depression, addiction and suicidal thoughts. In 2012, I discovered self-development and began my healing journey, transforming my outlook and radically improving my mental and emotional health.
I moved to Bali, Indonesia, where I lived for about 8 years. I studied and practiced a huge range of different healing and personal growth modalities. And while I learned and evolved immensely from all this work, I always felt like something was missing. And that missing piece was Permission Work.
In 2021, I experienced a major betrayal that rocked my world to the core and left me no choice but to undertake the deepest healing journey of my life. Through that process of healing, I developed the Integral Freedom Method, an intuitive and counter-cultural method for healing that draws from many different fields of expertise, woven together by my own lived experience of transformation.
Over the years, I've worked privately with a number of highly successful people from all walks of life, helping them to untangle and integrate the complicated web of modern self help, spirituality, healing and just generaly being human on an Earth in Transition.
I've been in the self-development field for over a decade and have studied a wide range of modalities and frameworks such as Integral Theory, Spiral Dynamics, Breathwork, Hypnotherapy, Jungian Psychology, Hermetic Philosophy, Parts Work / IFS, NLP, Behavioural Psychology, Strategic Intervention, Trauma Therapy, Somatic Therapy, Intutive Healing and Energy Work, and have completed over $100,000 (and counting) worth of courses, programs, certifications and retreats.
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The Integral Freedom Method was developed by Josh V Roberts through more than a decade of (and 10's of 1,000's of dollars spent on) personal development education and practice, and is the fastest and most effective way to unlock your authenticity, power and freedom as a modern man.
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